Posted on 8/31/2022

Cars nowadays are built with thoughtful engineering and using durable materials. Even with better-performing automobiles, they require a proper level of maintenance. Vehicle parts go through wear and tear, and eventually need to be replaced. One example is the fuel injectors in cars. Fuel injectors are a part of a fuel delivery system, and they are the devices that spritz fuel for the engine to run. When the fuel injector is clogged or failing to work, you may notice the following symptoms: Bad Odor If you can smell fuel all the time while driving, it is a sign that you have a leak. Fuel leaks are scary because gasoline is flammable. Plus, it can be costly. Your fuel economy will be impacted with a faulty fuel injector, so be sure to repair your fuel injectors ASAP. Engine Struggles Your engine will lose a significant amount of power when the fuel injectors have gone bad. Your car might not accelerate as quickly or at all. Since your engine won’t combust as it ... read more