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Maple Valley Auto Repair

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Monthly Archives: August 2024

Did You Know: Driving Tired Can Be as Dangerous as Drunk Driving

Did You Know: Driving Tired Can Be as Dangerous as Drunk Driving

We've all been there—eyes heavy, body sluggish, and yet, we convince ourselves that we're fine to drive. But what if I told you that driving while tired is just as dangerous as getting behind the wheel after a few drinks? It's a harsh truth that many of us overlook, but the risks are real, and they're frightening. When fatigue sets in, your ability to drive safely is significantly compromised, making you a danger to yourself and everyone else on the road. Let's explore why driving tired can be as dangerous as driving under the influence and why it's time we take this issue more seriously. The Alarming Similarities Between Fatigue and Alcohol Impairment Most people wouldn't dream of driving after drinking alcohol, knowing the dangers it poses. But what many don't realize is that sleep deprivation has a similar effect on the body and mind. When you're tired, your reaction times slow down, your judgment is impaired, and your coo ... read more

23933 SE 264th St. Ste. A Maple Valley, WA 98038 (425) 310-1100
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